Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Paper Bead Jewelry

Good Morning! I have started working on making paper beads again, and made this Bracelet and Earrings set...  I have decided to get back into making my jewelry and paper beads, as it is something I truly enjoy... SO here is the Jewelry Set I came up with using my paper beads....

I am sure I will have many more to share with you as I plan to make several more paper beads and jewelry sets... 


JD/ Jill said...

This is lovely. I hope you do share more I would love to see your work with your jewelry. I just started to make some jewelry too. (Mine would be classified as I do enjoy doing it...just wish I could learn how to do more.

Rita Loyd said...

OMG...I was the one who received this and I love it....the colors are so much prettier in my hands than in this picture. Thank you so much Chrissy.